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We are so excited to announce our two winners…our kids wanted to help in the process of picking the winners…so we wrote everyone’s names on a piece of cardstock and then put them in a basket for each of the kids to pick one…
Ainsleigh chose Tyra…congratulations Tyra, you will be receiving a copy of Oh, the Places You’ll Go!
Now for our second winner, chosen by Nolan…congratulations Kathi, you will also be receiving a copy of Oh, the Places You’ll Go!
Thank you everyone for sharing our blog this past week and celebrating Read Across America and Dr. Seuss’ birthday with us.
Click here to get your copy ofOh the Places You’ll Goon
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!
We had such a fun day today. This morning, I took my daughter to a friend’s Kindergarten class to deliver a set of laminated Dr. Seuss bookmarks for each of her students to celebrate Read Across America week. We stayed for about an hour and read two books (There’s a Wocket in My Pocket! and Fox in Socks
). We also worked on two rhyming worksheets and visited with all the kids in the class.
Our daughter was so excited about getting to go to "big kids" school she didn’t want to leave when it came time to go. The bookmarks thrilled the students and they had such a fun day. I think the poster all my teachers had in their rooms must be true “All I really need to know, I learned in Kindergarten”, because Kindergarten is so cool.
When we got home, we read a few more books with our son so he could share in the awesomeness that is Dr. Seuss.
A fun post for today…it’s “Leap Day” so let’s leap into reading for this year. Inspired by Dr. Seuss’ quotes, check out our printable bookmarks in fun Dr. Seuss patterns. Click on the link below to see all the books marks we have created (the quote should be printed on the backside to create a two-sided bookmark and, if possible, we recommend you laminate the bookmarks)
Download these bookmarks in celebration of Read Across America Week
Check back on Friday for a fun post after we deliver these bookmarks to one lucky local elementary school with a lot of ideas about how to encourage a love for reading in your children.
Source: 30 Dr. Seuss Quotes to Live By
It’s time for a Dr. Seuss themed giveaway! Oh, the Places You’ll Go!
is a classic book by Dr. Seuss and recently I saw a “pin” on Pinterest about this book and it made me think. We had to do something with this for Read Across America week.
So here is the idea. Get a copy of the book “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” and each year, at the end of the school year, have your child’s teacher write them a little note inside the book (think of how someone signs a high school yearbook). This activity would take place every year, K-12. On the day of your child’s high school graduation, give it to them as one of their gifts. It will also add some nostalgia to the occasion reading through some of the comments made by past teachers.
Sounds pretty simple right…well we want to make it even simpler by having your very own copy shipped directly to your house!
Hullabaloo Stories is giving away TWO copies of Dr. Seuss’ book Oh, the Places You’ll Go!
How to qualify for the giveaway is really easy.
- Go to our Facebook page and “Like” our page.
- Tell us how you have shared this post in the comments below, here, on the Hullabloo Stories blog.
- Some examples include a post on your own Facebook account as a status update, a blog post on a blog that you own/contribute to or comment on another blog, providing a link back to this post, a "pin" on Pinterest, or even a post on a forum; and
- If possible, please provide the link of the location where you shared this blog post with others in your comment below.
- A winner will be chosen at random on Sunday, March 4, 2012 at 12:00 PM PST and we will post the winners name/user name on both Facebook on the Hullabaloo Stories Fan Page wall and here on the Hullabaloo Stories blog as a comment on this blog post by 6:00 PM on that same day, Sunday, March 4, 2012.
Copy and paste this code to embed the graphic above in any webpage or html accessible area.
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Good luck and thanks for helping to spread the word about this giveaway.
Use modern technology to engage your children in reading? Yes you read that right. Reading with your child can incorporate modern technology, these varied formats can help to engage them in the process of reading and help them to understand the idea of the book.
Since we are celebrating Read Across America and Dr. Seuss’ birthday lets look at the world of Dr. Seuss and all the ways to read his books. Besides the traditional hardcover books there are so many ways to engage your children in the world of Dr. Seuss.
This is the first in a series of blog posts about various formats of multimedia.
Today we will look at movies, in recent years there have been several Dr. Seuss books made into movies (Dr. Seuss’ The Cat In The Hat and Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas), the most recent movie was Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears a Who and this Friday The Lorax is being released nationwide. This movie is based on the story The Lorax , a story largely about ecological awareness, even though it was written in the early 1970’s the message still rings true today and is an important message of taking care of our environment. The story is engaging and as always, Dr. Seuss’ books are entertaining and imaginative. The movie will likely be just as entertaining, especially considering the cast of stars lending their voices to Dr. Seuss’ characters.
Taking young children to the movie theater can be really fun, but also overwhelming if they do not have a concept of the story before seeing it. One strategy to help your children understand a movie is to sit down with them and read the story. But instead of simply reading cover to cover, ask them questions. Have them predict what is going on based on the pictures and pick out what ideas seem important to them. This will give your children confidence in their own reading (pre-reading) skills and some ownership in the story.
Once the movie is over you can continue to engage them in the story by re-reading the book and asking some of those same questions you asked them before, have them discuss what they learned, create a project, a drawing or some other way for them to show you what they have learned with the story. With a story that has a message like The Lorax does you can have your child take action, check out these coloring pages we made for our kids, the Read Across America site has some ideas for doing just that. Several associated sites are offering various activities for parents and teachers to share with children, including online games. These techniques of pre and post reading can be used for any book, reading the same book or going over the same story several times can be very helpful for children to learn how to read and what the process of reading includes. For some more tips, check out this great blog post here on I Can Teach My Child
Below are some coloring book pages (in full color) click on the link above to download the coloring book pages.
Disclaimer: The Lorax and other Dr. Seuss books are copyrighted by Random House, Inc. Dr. Seuss properties ™ & © 1937-2011. These books are available at and many other booksellers. The purpose of this post is to encourage parental/child interaction with these literary works and pre-reading skills and not to seek gain in the form profit by mentioning them here.
Hullabaloo Stories is celebrating Read Across America as well, with a week long set of posts that focus on children’s books, literacy strategies and some free printables. We will culminate the week with a fun give away.
This coming Friday (March 2, 2012) is Read Across America day, sponsored by the National Education Association This day not only celebrates reading but the birthday of Theodore S. Geisel (aka Dr. Suess). Across the country, thousands of schools, libraries, and community centers participate by bringing together kids, teens, and books, and you can too!
Check out tons of great activities, printables and lesson plan ideas here on Suessville
and for now…take a moment to read a book to your child…let us know in the comments below, what is your favorite book to read to your child?
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